
Animal Tissue MCQs CBSE | Biology

Animal Tissue MCQS With Answer

1. Haversian Canals occur in :

            (A) Ligament                                       

            (B) Cartilage                                        

            (C) Bone                                             

            (D) Areolar tissue


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Haversian canals (longitudinal canals) are present in bones. It is surrounded by matrix which is composed of a protein called ossein.

2.  Which one has abundant white fibres :

            (A) Tendon                                          

            (B) Ligament                                       

            (C) Cartilage                                        

            (D) Bone


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Tendons (connective tissue joining bone to muscles) are rich in white fibres.

3.   A modification of areolar tissue is :

            (A) Bone                                             

             (B) Adipose tissue                             

            (C) Cartilage                                        

             (D) None of these


Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Adipose tissue is a modified areolar tissue which is a type of connective tissue.

4.    Which of these is not a cell of areolar tissue :

            (A) Fibrocytes                                     

             (B) Adipocytes                                   

            (C) Histiocytes                                    

            (D) None of these


Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Adipocytes are cells of adipose connective tissue. Fibrocytes and histiocytes are present in the matrix of areolar tissue.

5.    Connective tissue proper includes :

            (A) Tendon                                          

            (B) Ligament                                       

            (C) Reticular tissue                              

            (D) All of these


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Tendon, Ligament & Reticular tissue are all included in connective tissue proper. It also includes adipose and areolar tissue.

6.    Protein present in connective tissue proper is :

            (A) Myosin                                          

            (B) Collagen                                        

            (C) Elastin                                           

            (D) Both (B) & (C)


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Collagen & elastin are present in matrix of connective tissue proper. White fibrous connective tissues are made up of collagen  and yellow fibrous connective tissue are made up of elastin.

7.    Skeletal tissue found in mammalian pinna is:

            (A) Calcified cartilage                          

            (B) Fibrous cartilage                            

            (C) Simple cartilage                             

            (D) Elastic cartilage


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Skeletal tissue found in mammalian pinna is elastic cartilage which shows rigidity as well as flexibility. It is made up of yellow fibres.

8.    Jelly like substance chondrin sulphate can be traced in :

            (A) Cartilage                                        

            (B) Bone                                             

            (C) Muscles                                        

            (D) All above


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Jelly like substance chondrin sulphate is found in matrix of cartilage.

9.    Volkman’s canals occur in :

            (A) Bone                                             

            (B) Cartilage                                        

            (C) Liver                                              

            (D) Internal ear


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Volkman’s canals are transverse canals found in bones. It connects haversian canals.

10.   Cartilage tissues are generally slow to heal following an injury because :

            (A) Cartilage is avascular                     

            (B) Cartilage does not undergo mitosis

            (C) The matrix is semisolid                   

            (D) Chondrocytes are surrounded by fluids


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Cartilage tissues are slow to heal after injury as it is avascular i.e. lack blood supply.

11.   Sprain is due to pulling of :

            (A) Muscles                                        

            (B) Ligaments                                     

            (C) Tendons                                        

            (D) Nerves


Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Sprain occurs due to pulling of ligaments (connective tissue connecting bone to bone.)

12.   Bowman’s capsule; loop of Henle and alveoli of lungs share one common character. They are :

            (A) All ciliated                                     

            (B) Lined by pavement epithelium        

            (C) All secretory                                  

            (D) All above  


Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Bowman’s capsule, loop of Henle and alveoli of lungs are lined by squamous (pavement) epithelium. It is present where exchange of substances occurs.

13.  Urinary bladder is lined with :

            (A) Simple epithelium                          

            (B) Stratified epithelium                       

            (C) Transitional epithelium                    

            (D) Pseudostratified epithelium


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Urinary bladder is lined with transitional epithelium. This type of epithelium is very stretchable.

14.   The characteristics of simple epithelium is:

            (A) Cells are loosely placed                 

            (B) Simple epithelium have many kind of cells

            (C) Cells are tightly packed with no intercellular space                                      

            (D) Cells are generally ciliated


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Cells of simple epithelium are tightly packed with no intercellular space. These are formed of single layer.

15.    Which of the following is not exclusively supplied with involuntary muscles?

            (A) Muscles of iris                               

            (B) Muscles of ducts of glands            

            (C) Muscles of urethra                         

            (D) Muscular coat of blood vessels


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Muscles of urethra are voluntary in action (under the control of will).

16.   How many layers of cells are present in pseudostratified epithelium

            (A) One layer                                       

            (B) Two layer                                       

            (C) Three layer                                     

            (D) Four layer


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      In pseudostratified epithelium one layer of cells are present but it appears stratified or multilayered.

17.   Tall pillar like cells, with nuclei having variable positions and lining the alimentary canal, ureters etc. are the characteristics of

            (A) Ciliated epithelium                          

            (B) Columnar epithelium

            (C) Squamous epithelium                     

            (D) Cuboidal epithelium


Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Columnar epithelium has tall pillar like cells, with nuclei at variable positions and lining alimentary canal, ureters etc.

18.   Which epithelium is responsible for receiving stimuli acting on the body and generating an impulse :

            (A) Glandular epithelium                       

            (B) Pseudostratified epithelium                                                                       

            (C) Ciliated epithelium                          

            (D) Sensory epithelium


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Sensory epithelium is responsible for receiving stimuli and generating an impulse. It is found in sense organs like eyes, nose, ear etc.

19.   What is the basis of classification of epithelial tissue in animals into sensory, excretory, germinal and glandular epithelium :

            (A) Cell shape                                     

            (B) Arrangement of layers

            (C) Function                                        

            (D) Location


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      According to function, epithelial tissue in animals is divided into sensory, excretory, germinal and glandular epithelium. Sensory epithelium is found in sense organs. Excretory epithelium is found in bowman’s capsule and glandular epithelium lines the glands which produce useful secretions.

20.   Bone marrow is composed of :

            (A) Areolar tissue and blood vessels    

            (B) Adipose tissue and fibroblasts

            (C) Adipose tissue, areolar tissue and blood                                                   

            (D) Adipose and areolar tissue


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Bone marrow (liquid present in long bones) is composed of adipose tissue, areolar tissue and blood.

21.   Centrosomes are absent in :

            (A) Nerve cells                                    

            (B) Epithelial cells                               

            (C) Germinal cells                                

            (D) All of the above


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Centrosomes are absent in nerve cells and therefore they do not divide.

22.   Main component of bone is:

            (A) Calcium phosphate                        

            (B) Magnesium phosphate

            (C) Calcium carbonate                         

            (D) Magnesium sulphate


Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Main component of matrix of bone is calcium phosphate. Deficiency of calcium leads to fractures.

23.   Fibres present in connective tissue are :

            (A) Reticular                                        

            (B) Elastic                                           

            (C) Collagen                                        

            (D) All the above


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Reticular, Elastic and collagen fibres all are found in connective tissue. Elastic fibers are yellow fibres and collagen fibres are white fibres.

24.  Immature RBCs of mammals have :

            (A) No nucleus                                    

            (B) Single beaded nucleus

            (C) Many nuclei                                   

            (D) Single nucleus


Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Immature RBCs have single nucleus which is lost at maturity.

25.    Mark the unmatched one :

            (A) Neutrophils – Phagocytic                

            (B) Basophils – Secrete histamine

            (C) Acidophils – Secrete heparin           

            (D) Lymphocytes – Secrete antibodies


Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Acidophils do not secrete heparin, it is secreted by mast cells.



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