
Crop Production and Management MCQ Class 9 Science

Crop Production and Management MCQ Class 9 Multiple Choice Questions with Solutions

1. Norman Borlaug is associated with :

(A) White revolution                                         

(B) Yellow revolution                                       

(C) Green revolution                                        

(D) Blue revolution

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Norman Borlaug is known as Father of Green Evolution.

2.   Contribution of Dr. M. S. Swaminathan is :

(A) Sharbati Sonara                                         

(B) Bt cotton                                                   

(C) Pomato                                                     

(D) None of the above

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      M.S. Swaminathan developed a high-yielding wheat variety sharbati sonara.

3.   What is true about weeds :

(A) All plants other than crops are weeds

(B) Some weeds can be eaten by us

(C) The best time for the removal of weeds is before they produce flowers and seeds

(D) All of the above

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Weeds are plants other than crops, some of them are eaten by us and best time for their removal is before they produce flowers and seeds.

4.    The method which enables us to select better and healthy seedlings for cultivation is :

(A) Transplantation                                          

(B) Broadcasting                                             

(C) Spacing                                                    

(D) All of the above

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Transplantation involves development of seedlings and then their transfer to desired field this helps us to select better and healthy seedlings for cultivation.

5.   For appropriate selection of seed, one must consider :

(A) High yielding varieties                                

(B) Disease free seeds

(C) Seed treated with fungicides                      

(D) All of these

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Seeds should be selected which are high-yielding, disease free and should be treated with fungicides.

6.   What is ploughing :

(A) Preparation of soil for making it aerated     

(B) Process of selection of seed

(C) Transfer of seedlings                                                                                            

(D) None of these

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Ploughing prepares the soil and make it aerated.

7.   The element which is required in largest quantity by plants is :

(A) Sulphur                                                     

(B) Calcium                                                     

(C) Phosphorus                                               

(D) Nitrogen

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Nitrogen is required in highest amount by plants.

8.   The unwanted plants  growing in a field are known as :

(A) Grasses                                                    

(B) Shrubs

(C) Weeds                                                      

(D) Reeds

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      The unwanted plants growing with crops in a field are called weeds.

9.    What are the precautions to be taken during sowing :

(A) Proper space                                             

(B) Right moisture content of soil

(C) Sowing of the seeds at right depth             

(D) All of the above

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Sowing should be done at proper depth which provide proper space and proper moisture.

10.    A dark layer of mixed organic material on the top soil is known as :

(A) Litter                                                         

(B) Stuff                                                         

(C) Humus                                                      

(D) Both (A) & (C)

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      A dark layer of mixed organic material on top soil is called Humus which is derived from decaying plant and animal matter.

11.    Which could be used for Green manure :

(A) Sunhemp                                                   

(B) Neem

(C) Acacia                                                       

(D) All of the above

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Green manure is a kind of manure in which nitrogenous fertilizers are cultivated and ploughed back in soil to overcome deficiency of nitrogen.

12.    A farming system in which crops & livestock production are integrated on the same farm called :

(A) Intercropping                                             

(B) Mixed cropping

(C) Crop rotation                                             

(D) Mixed farming

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      A farming system in which crops and livestock production are integrated on the same farm called mixed farming. The waste products of crops and animals are utilized by each other.

13.    Which one of the following includes only macronutrients :

(A) Carbon, Nitrogen, Calcium                          

(B) Hydrogen, Iron, Phosphorus

(C) Oxygen, Potassium, Chlorine                     

(D) Potassium, Sulphur, Zinc

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Carbon, Nitrogen and Calcium includes macronutrients. Macronutrients are those nutrients which are required in large quantity by plants.

14.    For good yield from plants in poor soil we should use a fertiliser which has :

(A) Nitrogenous and phosphatic components   

(B) Phosphatic and potassium components

(C) Nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassium ingredients                                                         

(D) Nitrogenous and potassium fertilisers

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      For good yield from plants in poor soil we should use a fertiliser which has nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ingredients. These are macronutrients.

15.   Which of the following statements is not true :

(A) Intercropping is used to increase productivity per unit area

(B) In intercropping seeds of two crops are mixed

(C) Rotation of crops improves soil fertility

(D) None of the above

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      In intercropping seeds of two crops are not mixed. They are sown in two different rows.

16.   When a natural predator living beings is applied on the other pathogen organism to control them, this process is called :

(A) Genetic engineering                                   

(B) Biological control

(C) Artificial control                                         

(D) Confusion technique

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      When a natural predator living beings is applied on the other pathogen organism to control them this process is called biological control. e.g. cochineal insect has controlled spread of opuntia.

17.   Out of the following, the plant grown in ankle-deep water is :

(A) Maize                                                        

(B) Wheat

(C) Jawar                                                        

(D) Rice

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Rice is a Kharif crop which is grown in month of March-April and harvested in November.

18.   Which of the following is most toxic for vertebrates ? :

(A) Carbamates                                               

(B) Organochlorines

(C) Organophosphates                                    

(D) All the above

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Organochlorines are the most toxic pesticides for vertebrates. These are nonbiodegradable persistent synthetic pesticides.

19.   Which technique of irrigation should be used to save water :

(A) Canal irrigation                                           

(B) Drip irrigation

(C) Water wheel                                               

(D) Lift irrigation

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Drip irrigation is a technique used to save water in fields. Water goes to the roots plants drop-by-drop by pipes.

20.   Fertilizers applied to crop plants, pollute:

(A) Soil resources                                           

(B) Water resources                                         

(C) Both soil and water resources                     

(D) Soil, water and atmosphere 

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Fertilisers applied to crop plants pollute soil and water resources both. Fertilizers are applied to soil and these are carried to the water bodies by rain so these pollute water resources.

21.   Tikka disease of groundnut is :

(A) Seed borne disease                                  

(B) Soil borne disease

(C) Water borne disease                                 

(D) None

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Tikka disease of groundnut is soil borne disease. This disease is caused by fungi.

22.    The adulterant which is in coriander powder is :

(A) Horse dung powder                                  

(B) Mud                                                         

(C) Soapstone                                               

(D) Saw dust

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Adulterant is a substance which is used to increase the quantity of any food material. This adulterant is harmful for human beings.

23.   Gundhi bug is a pest that attacks :

(A) Cotton                                                      

(B) Sugarcane

(C) Maize                                                       

(D) Rice

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Pest is an organism which attack the crops. Gundhi bag is a pest that attacks rice.

24.    Aluminium phosphide is a :

(A) Weedicide                                                

(B) Herbicide

(C) Fumigant                                                  

(D) None of the above

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Aluminium phosphide is a fumigant. Fumes are formed of fumigants which kills pests and micro-organisms.

25.    A water-fern, which is used as a green manure in rice fields, is :

(A) Salvinia                                                    

(B) Mucor

(C) Aspergillus                                               

(D) Azolla

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Azolla is used as a green manure in rice field. It is a aquatic fern which contains symbiont anabaena in its leaf cavities.

26.   Rust and smut are the diseases of :

(A) Wheat                                                      

(B) Rice

(C) Groundnut                                                

(D) Mustard

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Rust and Smut are fungal diseases of wheat.

27.   What is advantage of manure :

(A) It is biodegradable                                    

(B) It is nutrient specific                                  

(C) It is non-biodegradable                             

(D) It is a synthetic salt

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Manure is biodegradable but fertilisers are non-biodegradable. It is not harmful for the crops

28.    Crop improvement not includes :

(A) Improved quality                                       

(B) Wider adaptability                                     

(C) Extensive production by fertilizers             

(D) Plant breeding

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Crop improvement does not include extensive production by fertilizers. It should be applied scientifically in terms of proper dose and time.

29.   Fertilizers can be applied by which method :

(A) During the irrigation of crops by dissolving them in the irrigation channel itself

(B) By spraying the dilute solution of fertilizers                                                            

(C) Applying directly to the soil before the seeds begin to germinate

(D) All of the above

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Fertilizers can not be applied directly to soil if the crop is standing because it would bring about withering of crop due to development of high osmotic concentration around plant.

30.    BHC is :

(A) Benzene hexachloride                               

(B) Benzene heptachloride

(C) Benzene hydrochloride                              

(D) Bromide herbicide

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      BHC stands for Benzene Hexachloride and it is a pesticide. It is a type of chlorine containing hydrocarbons.

31.    Selection of homozygous plant is :

(A) Pure line selection                                      

(B) Mass selection                                           

(C) Mixed selection                                          

(D) Introduction

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      It is selection of only those plants where good characters are brought in homozygous state.

32.   What does G.M.O stand for?

(A) Genetically Modified Organism                   

(B) Growth Maturity Order

(C) Good Maturing Offspring                            

(D) Gold Medal Order

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      G.M.O. stands for Genetically Modified organism. A plant in which a specific character has been introduced is called transgenic.

33.   Kalyan Sona is :

(A) Hybrid variety of rice and maize                  

(B) Hybrid variety of wheat and rye                   

(C) High yielding variety of wheat                     

(D) High yielding variety of rye

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Kalyan sona is high yielding variety of wheat. This is formed by pure-line selection.

34.   Heterosis means :

(A) Hybrid vigour                                             

(B) Hybrids are weak                                        

(C) Hybrids are weak as well as vigorous          

(D) Hybrids are neither weak nor vigorous.

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Heterosis means that hybrids are more stronger than parents.

35.   The adjustment of plants to their new locality is called :

(A) Plant introduction                                       

(B) Acclimatization                                           

(C) Selection                                                   

(D) None of the above

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      The adjustment of plants to their new locality is called acclimatization. Plants adapt themselves according to the new environment.

36.   In plant breeding anthers are removed from flower of one plant this is known as :

(A) Cutting                                                       

(B) Emasculation                                             

(C) Plucking                                                    

(D) Crossing

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      In plant breeding anthers are removed from flower of one plant. This is known as emasculation. It is done to avoid self pollination.

37.   Sudden and heritable change in a character of an organism is :

(A) Induced mutation                                        

(B) Mutation breeding                                      

(C) Mutation                                                    

(D) Mutagen 

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Sudden and heritable change in character of an organism is Mutation. Mutation leads to change in  genetic composition of an individual.

38.   Hybridization may be :

(A) Inter varietal                                               

(B) Inter specific                                              

(C) Inter generic                                               

(D) All of these                                                

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Hybridisation can be intervarietal (between two different varieties), Interspecific (between two different species) and Intergeneric (between two different genus).

39.   Mutation may arise due to change in :

(A) Cell structure                                              

(B) Chromosome number                                 

(C) Hormone balance                                       

(D) All of these

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Mutations are sudden heritable genetic changes that can occur due to change in chromosome number.

40.    Organism produced by recombinant DNA  technology is called :

(A) Transgenic organism                                  

(B) Polyploid organism                                    

(C) Genetically modified organism                    

(D) Both A and C

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Organism produced by RDT are known as genetically modified organism or Transgenic organism. The genetic enigneering is the manipulation of genetic material of an organism by addition, deletion, repair or recombination.

41.   The oil, containing vitamin is obtained from :

(A) Hen                                                           

(B) Fish

(C) Cow                                                          

(D) Honey bee

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Cod liver oil is obtained from fish and this is rich in vitamin A and D.

42.   Cattle farming is done for :

(A) Milk                                                           

(B) Bullock labour for agriculture

(C) Both (A) and (B)                                          

(D) None

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Cattle farming is done for milk and Bullock labour for agriculture.

43.   Red sindhi and sahiwal are indigenous breeds of :

(A) Cow                                                          

(B) Buffalo                                                      

(C) Goat                                                         

(D) None

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Red sindhi and Sahiwal are indigenous breeds of cow which are found in India.

44.    Murrah and Mehsana are breeds of :

(A) Buffaloes                                                  

(B) Cow                                                          

(C) Sheep                                                       

(D) Goat

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Murrah and Mehsana are indigenous breeds of buffaloes.

45.   Aspergillosis is a common disease of animals caused by :

(A) Virus                                                         

(B) Bacteria                                                     

(C) Protozoan                                                 

(D) Fungi

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Aspergillosis is a common disease of animal which is caused by fungi. Actinomycosis and Ringworm are diseases which are caused by fungi.

46.    Milk does not provide :

(A) Vitamin A and D                                        

(B) Minerals like phosphorus and calcium

(C) Iron

(D) Carbohydrates, protein and fat

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Milk provides vitamin A and D, minerals like phosphorus and Calcium.

47.   Which one of the following is not a draught animal :

(A) Camel                                                       

(B) Elephant                                                    

(C) Sheep                                                       

(D) Horse

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Sheep is not a draught animal because it is not used for labour purpose.

48.    The branch that deals with the rearing of bees is called :

(A) Horticulture                                                

(B) Apiculture                                                  

(C) Sericulture                                                 

(D) Pisciculture

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      The branch that deals with rearing of bees is called Apiculture. Artificial bee hives are prepared for rearing of bees.

49.   Silver revolution is associated with :

(A) Silver carp production                                

(B) Fish production

(C) Egg production                                         

(D) Milk production

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Silver revolution is associated with egg production. Rearing, breeding and caring of birds for meat and egg is called poultry farming.

50.   Milk yielding capacity is low in India. It is due to :

(A) Inferior breeds                                           

(B) Inadequate food

(C) Inferior breeds and inadequate food           

(D) None of these

Ans.     (C)

Sol.      Milk yielding capacity is low in India due to inferior breeds and inadequate food. Cross breeds are developed by crossing of indigenous and exotic breeds.

51.    Aquaculture is :

(A) Cleaning of water                                       

(B) Growth of aquatic organisms

(C) Culture of bacteria with the help of water     

(D) Creation of clean water

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Aquaculture is cultivation of aquatic plants and animals.

52.   Blue revolution is associated with :

(A) Milk production                                          

(B) Fish production                                         

(C) Oil production                                            

(D) Pulse production

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Blue revolution is associated with fish production. India ranks 7th among the leading fish producing countries.

53.  Broilers are used for :

(A) Egg                                                          

(B) Meat                                                         

(C) Both egg & meat                                       

(D) None of these

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Broilers are used for meat. It is a good source of protein.

54.  Which of the following animals does not provide meat to human beings :

(A) Dog                                                          

(B) Sheep                                                       

(C) Pig 

(D) Goat

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Meat of sheep, pigs and goat are eaten. Meat of dogs are not eaten.

55.   Pig’s meat is known as ________ :

(A) Pork                                                          

(B) Beef                                                          

(C) Mutton                                                      

(D) None of these 

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Meat of pig is known as Pork. It is generally infected with tapeworm.

56.   Inland fisheries is referred to :

(A) Culturing fish in freshwater                         

(B) Trapping & capturing fishes from sea coast

(C) Deep sea fisheries                                     

(D) Extraction of oil from fishes

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Inland fisheries refers to culturing fish in freshwater. Mariculture refers to culturing fishes in marine water.

57.   Lac is a product of:

(A) Faecal matter                                              

(B) Secretion from body

(C) Excretion from body                                  

 (D) Excess food oozing out of the body 

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      Lac is a secretion obtained from body of lac insect. It is used in formation of Bangles.

58.   Silk industry is related to :

(A) Sericulture                                                 

(B) Apiculture                                                  

(C) Pisciculture                                                

(D) Horticulture

Ans.     (A)

Sol.      Rearing of Silkworms to obtain silk is known as sericulture.

59.   NDDB was founded by :

(A) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan                                 

(B) Dr. V.Kurien

(C) Dr. Norman Borlaug                                   

(D) None of these

Ans.     (B)

Sol.      National Dairy Development Board was founded by Dr. V. Kurien. He is known as father of White Revolution.

60.    Cross-breeding of animals leads to :

(A) High food yield                                          

(B) Enhanced life span of animals

(C) Reduced disease risk                                  

(D) All of these

Ans.     (D)

Sol.      Cross-breeding of animal leads to higher food yield, reduced disease risk and enhanced life span of animals. It is done between the good qualities of breed.



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