
Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution (History) Multiple Choice Questions | CBSE Class 9

Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution MCQ Question With Answers | CBSE Class 9 Social Science History 

1. Which party struggled for peasants’ rights and demanded that land belonging to nobles be transferred to peasants in 1900?
(A) Socialist Revolutionary Party
(B) German Socialist Party
(C) Temperance Party
(D) Kerensky Party

Ans. (A)

2. Which statement is correct about Bloody Sunday ?
(1) When the procession of workers led by father Gapon reached the winter palace it was attacked by the police and the Cossacks.
(2) Over 100 workers were killed and about 300 wounded.
(3) Lawyers, doctors, engineers and other middle-class workers established the union of unions and demanded a constituent assembly.
(A) Only (1)
(B) Only (2)
(C) Only (3)
(D) All of the above

Ans. (D)

3. Why did the Tsar dismiss the first Duma?
(A) The members were not participating fully.
(B) The Tsar did not like any reduction in his power.
(C) The members were asking for special rights.
(D) None of these

Ans. (B)

4. Who were ‘conservative’ ?
(A) Those who were against the idea of change
(B) Those who believed change had to be brought about through a slow process
(C) Those who were in support Liberalism
(D) Those who were in support Radicalism

Ans. (B)

5. Which one of the following was not a problem associated with industrial society in Europe?
(A) Unemployment
(B) Long working hours in factories
(C) Housing and sanitation problem
(D) Division of Labourer by skill

Ans. (D)

6. Which one of the following was suggested remedy for problem associated with industrial society by Liberals and Radicals in Europe?
(A) Cooperative industries
(B) Industries to be handed over to workers
(C) Profits shared between workers and employers
(D) Freedom of individuals be ensured and poor could labour

Ans. (D)

7. The socialist ideology emphasised which one of the following?
(A) Private ownership
(B) Individual controlled property
(C) Socially controlled property
(D) Democratic government

Ans. (C)

8. Which one of the following view was propounded by Nationalist for transformation of European Society in nineteenth century?
(A) They supported revolutions to create nation
(B) They opposed views of Liberals and Radicals
(C) They were against revolutions
(D) They favoured existing regimes in Europe

Ans. (A)

9. Which of the following group of Ideologist support cooperative socialism in Europe :
(A) The Liberals
(B) Robert Owen
(C) Louis Blanc
(D) The Conservatives

Ans. (C)

10. Killing on large scale leading to destruction of large sections of people is known as :
(A) Genocidal
(B) Duma
(C) Reichstag
(D) Liberals

Ans. (A)

11. The Paris Commune of 1871 was consisted of which one of the following groups ?
(A) Government officials
(B) Peasant and farmers
(C) Armed forces
(D) Workers, Ordinary people, Professionals and its political activities.

Ans. (D)

12. In what respect peasants of Russia were different from other European peasants ?
(A) They were hard and sturdy workers
(B) They had large land holdings
(C) They pool their land according to needs of individual families.
(D) They had great respect for nobles.

Ans. (C)

13. The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party or Social Democrats respected which one of the following ideology ?
(A) Marxist ideology
(B) Liberal ideology
(C) Conservative ideology
(D) Nationalist ideology

Ans. (A)

14. What was the major point of disagreement between Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries in Russia ?
(A) Role of workers in revolution.
(B) Role of peasants in revolution.
(C) Role of government officials
(D) Role of intellectuals

Ans. (B)

15. Vladimir Lenin belonged to which group of Socialists in Russia ?
(A) Social Democrats
(B) Meneshvikes
(C) Bolsheviks
(D) Other group

Ans. (C)

16. Consider the following statements
(a) Stalin carried out industrialisation through a planned process.
(b) Stalin revitalised the economy of Russia and adopted Five year plans.
(c) The first five year plan was launched in 1927 in Russia.
(d) Workers life were luxurious and they were availing modern facilities.
Which of these statement(s), is/are correct?
(A) (a), (d) and (c)
(B) (b), (c) and (d)
(C) (a), (b) and (c)
(D) (c) and (d)

Ans. (C)

17. Name the ship sent to seize the winter palace by military revolutionary committee.
(A) Ankara
(B) Aurora
(C) Astoria
(D) Freda

Ans. (B)

18. What was ‘Cheka First’ during Bolshevik reign in Russia?
(A) It was secret police.
(B) It was farmers’ army.
(C) It was a group of industrial workers.
(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

19. Who were called ‘whites’?
(A) Socialist revolutionists
(B) The pro-Tsarists
(C) Bolsheviks
(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

20. What is not correct about ‘Suffragette movement’ in Russia ?
(i) It is movement to give right to vote all adult citizen of Russia.
(ii) Radicals supported this movement.
(iii) Liberals never supported this movement.
(A) All are correct
(B) Both (i) & (ii) are correct
(C) (ii) & (iii) are correct
(D) None of these

Ans. (B)

21. Which among the following was not a part of the Russian empire in 1914 ?
(A) Lativa
(B) Lithuania
(C) Austria
(D) Belarus

Ans. (C)

22. When was the first consultative Parliament or Duma created in Russia ?
(A) 1905
(B) 1907
(C) 1915
(D) 1917

Ans. (A)

23. Consider the following statement & answer :
(i) In Russia Louis Blanc wanted government to encourage cooperatives.
(ii) During First World Imperial Russian army came to be known as “Russian steam roller”.
(iii) Labour Party is a political party of Britain.
(iv) Indian Communists moblised support for the USSR during the Second World War.
Which of these statement (s), is/are correct ?
(A) All are true
(B) Only (iv) is true
(C) (i) & (iv) both are true
(D) (ii), (iii) & (iv) are true

Ans. (D)

24. Consider the following statement & answer :
(i) At the beginning of twentieth century , about 85% of Russian population was agriculturists.
(ii) Russia was the major exporter of food grain.
(iii) St. Petersburg was a religious city of twentieth century’s Russia.
(iv) Accoring to Lenin peasants were not one united group.
Which of these statement (s), is/are correct ?
(A) All are incorrect
(B) Only (i) & (iii) correct
(C) (i), (ii) & (iv) are correct
(D) Only (iv) is correct

Ans. (C)

25. Consider the following statement & answer :
(i) Germany, Austria and Turkey were the central powers in First World War.
(ii) France, Britain and Russia had a global empire at the time of war .
(iii) Russia was victorious against the Germany & Austria between 1914 and 1916.
(iv) The three main demands of ‘April theses’ by Lenin was (i) war brought to be close. (ii) Land to be transferred to peasants, (iii) banks to be nationalised.
(A) All the above are true
(B) Only (iii) is true
(C) Both (i) & (iii) are true
(D) (i), (ii) & (iv) are true

Ans. (D)

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